

ABOUT US私たちについて


  • 自 覚


  • 決 意


  • 行動基準



年 月 ボックス・ワンの出来事 主な事柄
1989年4月 株式会社フジヤの制作・施工機能を担うプロダクツ部門として東京都江東区に営業所及び倉庫機能を持つ株式会社ボックス・ワンを設立
1989年10月 幕張メッセが開業
1990年4月 オクタノルム等の資材拡充に伴い、千葉県浦安市に倉庫を増床(延床面積312㎡)
1991年2月 資材拡充に伴い、千葉県市原市に倉庫を増床(延床面積563㎡)
1991年10月 パシフィコ横浜が開業
1993年4月 新たに千葉県八街市に倉庫を移転(延床面積1,984㎡)し、倉庫機能の一元化
1994年3月 JAPAN SHOP | 店舗総合見本市 に初出展
※以降毎年 JAPAN SHOP | 店舗総合見本市 に出展
1996年4月 東京ビッグサイトが開業
1997年1月 東京国際フォーラムが開業
2003年3月 千葉県八街市に7,400㎡の用地を購入し、自社倉庫の建設を開始
2003年10月 千葉県八街市に自社倉庫が竣工(延床面積4,900㎡)
2004年4月 資本金を3,000万円に増資 / 社員数48名
2007年8月 東京都江戸川区に本社を移転
社屋(地上8階建 延床面積1,250㎡)
2009年7月 木工制作機能を担うプロダクツ部門として東京都江戸川区に株式会社フォルムズを設立
2010年2月 田中澄生が代表取締役に就任
2011年3月 東京ビッグサイトにて東日本大地震における被災者の受入れ施設工事を行う 東日本大震災
2012年3月 荒川技研工業株式会社様と「JAPAN SHOP 2012」に共同出展
2013年9月 2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの開催が決定
2014年6月 豊田悦夫が代表取締役に就任
2019年4月 設立30周年を迎える
2019年8月 八街倉庫リノベーション工事竣工
2020年4月 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)感染拡大に伴い緊急事態宣言が発出。各種イベントの中止が相次ぐ
2023年8月 八街倉庫が開業から20周年を迎える
2024年4月 設立35周年を迎える
2024年5月 西村省二が代表取締役に就任




Passing the torch to a new generation


At the end of last year, we visited Wakura Onsen in Noto for a two-day company trip.
It was for the first time in four years and the hotel we stayed at was called "Noto Raku. Just two weeks later, on New Year's Day, the entire Noto Peninsula, including the hotel where we stayed, was hit by a major earthquake that killed many people and destroyed many homes.
It was pure coincidence that we chose the Noto Peninsula as our travel destination but afterwards it felt like we were meant to be there, and it became an unforgettable memory to me.
I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the hotel employees who greeted us warmly and to the many people who were affected by the earthquake. At the same time, I sincerely wish that the hotel will reopen for business as soon as possible to be crowded with tourists again.

As mentioned in the title, I will be retiring from the company this term and passing the torch to the next generation.
I joined Box One Corporation at the age of 35 when it was founded in 1989 and will be retiring this year after 35 years of service. It means that I have spent exactly half of my life at the company.
I am proud of all the team members who worked together and successfully managed to overcome every unforeseen hardship we faced, such as the bubble collapse, the Lehman Shock, great earthquakes, and the coronavirus pandemic, and I treasure the time we spent together as a team.
Here are a couple of messages I want to pass on to the next generation. Always practice humility at work. Enjoy your work as much as possible. And be mindful of people around you and work side by side with each other. Never forget.
I look forward to your continued success in the future.
Thank you very much for supporting my 35 years of service.

April 1, 2024

CEOEtsuo Toyoda

Corporate Philosophy

  • Awareness

    We take pride in our expertise on display & setup at trade shows and exhibitions

  • Commitment

    We commit our ourselves to being in the stream of gratitude

  • Code of Behavior
    Code of Behavior

    We serve for satisfaction of our customers’ customers. We aim perfect constructivism being mindful of our partners’ partners.

Corporate History

Month/Year Events at BOX-1 Main events
April 1989 Foundation of Box-1 as a products wing responsible for production/construction of Fujiya Co., Ltd., with Mr. Kaoru Inoue as the representative director and a team of 11 members transferred from Fujiya
Paid-in capital: 20 million yen.
October 1989 Makuhari Messe opened
April 1990 Extension of warehouse space in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture driven by expansion of exhibition stand construction systems including Octanorm (total floor area: 312㎡)
February 1991 Extension of warehouse space in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture along with further upgrading and expansion of exhibition stand construction systems (total floor area: 563 ㎡)
October 1991 Pacifico Yokohama opened
April 1993 Relocation and centralization of warehousing function to a site in Yachimata City, Chiba Prefecture (total floor area: 1,984㎡) Started operation as Narita Studio (NUTS)
March 1994 First participation in JAPAN SHOP, the International Exhibition for Shop Systems and Fixturing
*Attending annual JAPAN SHOP ever since
April 1996 Tokyo Big Site opened
January 1997 Tokyo International Forum opened
March 2003 Acquisition of a 7,400㎡ site in Yachimata City, Chiba Prefecture to start constructing a company-owned warehouse
October 2003 Completion of a corporate warehouse in Yachimata City, Chiba Prefecture (total floor area: 4,900㎡)
Relocation of Narita Studio to the corporate warehouse
April 2004 Paid-in capital increased to 30 million yen; the number of employees reaching 48
August 2007 Relocation of headquarters to Edogawa City, Tokyo.
Office building: 8-storied with a total floor area of 1,250㎡
July 2009 Foundation of FORMZ Co., Ltd. in Edogawa City as a products wing responsible for carpentry.
Plant/office facility: 420㎡
February 2010 Sumio Tanaka assuming the position of Representative Director
March 2011 Installation of temporary facilities at Tokyo Big Site to accept people affected by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Eastern Japan Earthquake
March 2012 Joint exhibition at JAPAN SHOP 2012 with Arakawa & Co.,Ltd.
September 2013 Japan’s hosting of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games decided
June 2014 Etsuo Toyoda assuming the post of the representative director
April 2019 Celebration of 30th anniversary